Adapting to a New World

I don't know about you, but for me this week has been challenging to say the least.

A surreal mix of watching global events unfold, rapid and constant tactical decision making, as well as grappling with trying to forecast the future, clarify our strategy, and make good moral decisions amid a high degree of uncertainty. All while my two-year-old daughter throws a tantrum at my feet.

A few things made my week more manageable:

  • Meditation & Community: Our team says hi each morning on zoom and meditates together. It's a moment of calm and communal joy amidst the storm. We want to make this available to everyone, so on Friday next week our chairman, Ron Cacioppe is launching a free weekly live meditation & mindfulness session. Ron has a PhD in leadership and organisational development has practised meditation for over 40 years and founded the Zen Group of WA. > Register here.

  • Leadership Coaching: I had a coaching session with my coach Liz Harris. Up until the last minute I wanted to cancel as I had a mountain of urgent tasks, but I didn't and I'm glad. I found it grounding, inspiring and it helped clarify our strategy (thanks Liz ;).

Prior to becoming MD at Integral, I ran a digital health company that used AI and humans to deliver message-based coaching to tens of thousands of people across SE Asia so I've always had a strong desire to make all our services available online. Luckily two members of that team joined Integral, our head of digital, Jeroen Van Dalen and our coaching program coordinator, CJ Malmsten. Together with our facilitation team, they've finalised our approach to online workshops and programs.

Like our face-to-face programs, online group workshops will be practical, outcomes focussed and structured to encourage meaningful long-term change rather than just information. We're using our digital platform Able, and Zoom, to provide highly interactive sessions, breakout rooms, seamless participant onboarding, impact evaluations, and regular micro-learning & nudges.

We're focussed on helping leaders and teams with:

  1. Mindfulness, Resilience & Wellbeing

  2. Team Collaboration, Remote Work & Communication

  3. Leading through Adversity and Managing Uncertainty

Able Webinars

Today we ran the first of our free Able webinars on Managing Remote Teams and participant feedback was great – our 36 participants gave us comments that they loved the chat rooms, polls and presentation and found it 'very useful information' and a 'great presentation'. 

'I feel much more positive about the prospect of working remotely. I’ve now got the tools to ensure that our company culture and great work relationships can be sustained as we find our feet in this new normal.'
- Emma Brain, Practice Manager, Fulcrum Agency

It's been inspiring to watch the team come together to innovate, argue and achieve things that we'd been planning to do for two years, and get a result in three weeks. I hope we can help a few of you and your team collaborate and develop in such tough times. Email or book a call with me if you'd like to discuss. > call or email.



Accelerating the Future


Change fatigue