Reflections on Integral Women in Leadership
Integral has been offering the Integral Women in Leadership Program for over seven years and we had 14 brilliant and engaged souls on our intake in March this year. We all spent three days immersed in learning, great conversations and growth whilst overlooking the beautiful Cottesloe beach. The November program includes;
Five individual and five group coaching throughout the year.
A three-day offsite leadership immersion program in Perth
The PRINT diagnostic tool designed to uncover unconscious motivators and how to leverage your best self.
The Integral Leadership Profile 360° feedback survey which provides a personal development plan to work on over the duration of the 12-month program.
A 360° re-measure to show the changes and improvements as a leader after 12 months.
Personal development plan tailored to your 360° report.
Weekly micro-learning and coaching nudges.
The three day immersion program includes learning around understanding self and my motivators resilience and mindfulness, defining my vision and purpose, playing big and speaking up and building strategic networks. We also use the Leadership Challenge process where leaders will, in small groups with a facilitator, work through a personal leadership challenge and their fellow participants will assist them co create a response to their challenge.