Automotive Holdings Group


More Diversified Workplaces

The Challenge

Integral Development was engaged to develop and deliver a training program aimed at frontline managers to increase staff qualifications, boost staff retention rates and improve organisational culture.

The client organisation was particularly concerned about maintaining relevancy and keeping pace with both current and future operations.

The Solution

Integral Development worked with the client over a 2-year period and visited each of the client’s sites to observe participants on the job and gain a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the business.

Participants worked on a project relevant to the organisation during the program that delivered a return on investment [Q1] for the organisation.

Throughout the program, Integral Development remained responsive to client requirements by adjusting individual units to meet the evolving needs and expectations of participants.

The Results

  • Participants reported a positive shift in understanding their role

  • The project delivered an improvement in workplace diversity

  • Participants impressed the executive team with relevant presentations


DRA Global


ERG Group