BDO Global



BDO Perth is one of WA’s largest full-service accounting firms driven by a team of over 200 professionals and 23 partners with a well-established client base of businesses across all sizes and industries that all rely on the accessibility, insight, technical expertise and industry experience of their team.

BDO Perth provides business advisory, financial, and accounting services to support and advise clients throughout the lifecycle of their business, or personal situation. The team comprises of 23 partners and 238 staff who have expertise in Advisory, Audit, Corporate Finance, Business Services, Forensic Services, Mergers & Acquisitions, Risk Advisory, and Global IFRS Resources.


We were approached to assist BDO to improve the organisation's culture, develop leadership skills within the Partner group, and then across other leaders in the firm. 

Overall, there was a real desire in the business to proactively develop the culture of the business to assist in meeting long term strategic goals and continue to meet and exceed client expectations. However, there remained a requirement to more formally develop the organisation’s leaders.


Given some of the challenges outlined above, Integral has worked with BDO, in a staged approach.  The work has included the following stages and is ongoing. 

Stage One - Coaching and 360 degree feedback 

Coaching and 360-degree feedback with all Partners – the 360 feedback began with a group debrief of results and a discussion about the relative strengths and weaknesses of the whole Partner group. This was followed by one on one 360 degree feedback debriefs and five coaching sessions per Partner. 

Stage two – Partner Offsite 

Integral then helped organise and facilitate a two-day Partners’ offsite workshop for all Partners.  The event resulted in a review of the strategic plan and actions. The event was also an opportunity to build on strengths inherent in the team and business and examine the factors that were not conducive to the firm’s performance. We were able to identify current behaviours amongst the Partner group that are helpful and unhelpful in driving effective performance and have conversations about how to better live the organisation’s Values. 




Curtin University