3 Ways to build mindfulness into your workplace

We’re rather passionate about mindfulness here at Able. And not because it’s trendy. We’ve been doing this for years because...it works. 

Building mindfulness into your workplace can optimise performance, enhance communications and relationships, and improve wellbeing. But where should you start? Here are some of the ways we incorporate mindfulness into our daily routines at HQ.

  • At every meeting, we pause. Whether there are two or ten of us meeting, before we get down to official business, one person talks the group through a short awareness exercise (between 1 - 5 minutes). We close our eyes, focus on breathing deeply, relax all muscles in our body, and tune into our senses. We then bring our attention back to the room and move forward with clear and open minds.

  • We meditate. Twice a week we all stop what we’re doing, head to a quiet room, turn down the lights and make ourselves comfortable (sitting or lying). There’s a sign on the door to prevent interruptions. A calendar alert comes up for everyone – no excuses or forgetting! Sometimes we listen to a guided meditation, other times we opt to go unguided. Meditating helps us to move away from busy thoughts and emotions, and experience a deep, peaceful state of mind. When we head back to our desks we are more focused and clear, and our productivity increases.

  • We do yoga. Once a week for 30 minutes, it’s a Yin practice that can be done in virtually any attire and suitable for all levels of experience. Yoga is an excellent way to connect our minds and bodies to the present moment.

How might you incorporate mindfulness practices into your team routines?


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