Appreciating Your Team

A sense of self-worth and feeling appreciated is a fundamental psychological need: we all wish to feel that we matter, that our contributions are valued. Leaders can foster a culture of positivity and collaboration by celebrating the values and victories, achievements and accomplishments of individuals and teams.

At a personal level, think about how good you feel when someone notices the work you have done. When they really notice. By acknowledging the individual there is an opportunity to deepen a relationship. It is not about complimenting the person with a casual ‘nice job’, rather taking the time to offer focused feedback about the other person to endorse positive contributions, learning and behaviours to create an environment of being valued. In order to be a meaningful acknowledgement, it must:

  • Be genuine and timely

  • Be specific regarding contributions, learning or behaviours

  • Identify the personal attributes

e.g. “Your contribution on this difficult project was excellent. Your ability to remain calm and focused enabled us to achieve the deadline”.

Making an effort to pick up the phone or give acknowledgment face-to-face instead of always over email can also go a long way. Taking the time to do this shows your team members that they really do matter.

Over the next week, practice acknowledging someone each and every day. It may seem awkward at first but will feel more natural the more you do it!

Recognising your team helps build connection, engagement, and reinforces high performance. Expressing appreciation and gratitude is not only good for the person you’re communicating it to – it’s also good for you too 😊 There is increasing research and evidence demonstrating the benefits to our health and wellbeing – you can read more here.


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