Quick Coherence Technique

Written by Michael Fox

A three-step process to help you feel more clear, calm and focused.

HeartMath's Quick Coherence technique is a simple and effective way to bring your heart and brain into physiological alignment. When our hearts and brains are out of sync, we are more likely to feel stressed, anxious and frustrated - the signals running through our nervous systems are chaotic and less coherent. By practicing the Quick Coherence technique, we can get these organs more synchronised, which improves our overall effectiveness - our thinking, decision-making, emotional states and problem-solving abilities are clearer and more positive. You can read more about the science behind HeartMath and the influence of our brain on cognitive functions here.

Quick Coherence Technique

This technique can be practiced anywhere at anytime to immediately reduce stress. Have a read through the steps, then practice with the audio exercise (it's just over 5 minutes)

  1. Focus on your heart

  2. Heart breathing

  3. Re-generative feeling

Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes. Feel the weight of your body on the chair, your feet on the ground.

Take a couple of slow, deep, relaxing breaths.

Now focus your attention on the centre of your chest, the area of your heart. Imagine your breath is flowing in and out of this area. If it helps, you can put your hand over your heart to maintain your focus.

Make your breathing longer and deeper than usual. Visualise the air flowing in through your heart…and out through your heart. Breathing slowly and gently, in a smooth, even and balanced rhythm. Maintain your focus on the central area of your chest.

As you continue your heart-centred breathing, think of a moment of when you have experienced a positive feeling such as contentment, calm, joy, or appreciation. Try not to analyse the memory, simply focus on the feeling, and attempt to re-experience it. Imagine with each breath that you are drawing in this regenerative sensation. 

Continue to breathe through your heart, deeply and smoothly.

When you are ready, bring your attention back to your body, the sounds in the room. Open your eyes.

Listen now.


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