Ann Pocock



My insatiable curiosity is what drives me to challenge the comfort zones of others and help them create meaningful and positive change. My approach blends my business and leadership acumen with my ability to get to the heart of what matters by building self-awareness, emphasising strengths and defining the values of those I work with. My unique style is appreciative of the intersection between work and life.


I have nearly 20 years of cross-industry global marketing and communications leadership experience in fast-moving corporate spaces. Throughout my career I was often told I have a unique ability to tap into the qualities of individuals and teams to help them create purposeful connections internally and externally.

My passion for what accesses, harnesses and raises our potential is what led me to coaching. I have a background in Positive Psychology combined with an inner calling to serve on a broader scale, where I apply my skills to help you unlock that very alignment and connection within yourself and the world around you.

I am currently undertaking a Masters in Positive Psychology and am a Strengths Profile accredited Coach.

I hold a Bachelor of Arts Communication (Studies), Graduate Diploma Communications (Public Relations), Masters of Marketing (near completion) and IECL Level 1 & 2 Organisational Coaching qualifications and a Certificate in Coaching Psychology (ICCP).

My Why

My work leaves people feeling empowered. That fulfils my passion – people.

My motivation lies in helping have a positive impact on your change journey. I love to witness genuine change and ‘ah-ha’ moments. I am an extremely curious person and coaching allows for out-of-the-box questions that invoke deeper thinking.

How I work

I am open and non-judgemental. My breadth of experience and flexible thinking allows me to look at things from totally new angles, unlocking new insights through questions that get to the core of the issue.

“Ann helped me remove excuses and negative self-talk. She encouraged me to reach results and goals through root-cause analysis and leading questions” - Alice, Project Manager, Facebook.

“Ann asked the big questions and helped me recognise what was really getting in my way at work.” – Garth, Verizon APAC.

What I do

As an executive and leadership coach, I empower individuals and teams who want to unleash their individual and collective potential. If you’re unclear of your path, or being held back by limiting patterns or beliefs, coaching can empower you to take action, make informed decisions and uncover your own unique pathway.

What I love

I am very intuitive, so I like to keep the channels clear by staying energetically connected to all of the positive forces around us. That means I’m usually soaking up nature and going on walks or hikes as well as going inward to find moments of stillness and reflection.


Dr James Donald


Ralph Gartner