While our underlying motivators vary, as humans we are designed to protect ourselves and our own (individual or collective) interests to a certain degree. Whether consciously or not, this will hold some influence over our decision-making when responding to a new idea or proposal.

As such, if we are the ones presenting the idea, it is helpful to consider the unique needs and interests of our audience; to shape our communication so as to recognise their unique challenges or issues, and convey the potential benefits of our proposal. The benefits may be saving time or money, increasing productivity, fulfilling personal/organisational values, improving reputation, providing new opportunities for development etc. 

Rather than telling your manager, team member or client how your idea will help you meet your objectives or how it will help you solve your problems, explain how it will contribute to his or her goals and priorities and how it will help relieve his or her pressures and problems. 

Here are some examples of what you could say:

I have a suggestion that might help us achieve (the objective/goal) of yours sooner/cheaper etc.

 I have an idea about how we could solve that problem you’re facing with…

I’ve been thinking about how we could relieve some of that pressure you’re under with…


WII-FM means “What’s In It For Me?”

Most people listen to this 😊


Quick to Innovate


Build Your Network: Influencing with Purpose