Force Field Analysis

The Force Field Analysis is a highly regards and popular technique that can be used to:

  • Decide whether to go ahead with a change; or

  • Determine actions to ensure change is successful

The attached article describes Force Field Analysis and how you can use it to make decisions and to implement change successfully. We have also included a template you can fill in.

Summary of Key Points

  1. Force Field Analysis helps you analyse the forces for and against a decision or a change. Also, you can use your analysis to put in place actions that will increase the forces that support the change and weaken the forces opposing it, so that the change is more successful.

  2. Don't underestimate how much work a Force Field Analysis can involve. There will be many factors that you'll need to consider for complex decisions and changes.

  3. Keep in mind that, while Force Field Analysis helps you to understand the impact of different factors on your decision or change, it is subjective. You may also want to use other objective decision-making tools such as Decision Tree Analysis, Cost/Benefit analysis or a Decision Matrix, to reinforce the quality of your decision.

Force Field Analysis is a straightforward and structured approach to examine factors which will help or hinder change and the steps needed to ensure its success.


Senior Management Support for Change


A lot of change, but nothing changes