Senior Management Support for Change

The support of senior management is vital to any change. Senior management need to be more than accepting or tolerant of change, they need to be actively involved, demonstrate that they will provide resources and time to ensure the change is successful.

  • Effectively communicate leadership

  • Have an optimistic outlook

  • Be a local change agent

  • Lead from the front, be visible

  • Communicate the vision and progress goals that achieve it

  • Generate enthusiasm (No passion, no progress)

  • Communicate and live the values

  • Practise two-way communication

  • Determine priorities and stick to them

  • Be decisive

  • Don’t get distracted, spend time on it

  • Have regular reviews of progress

  • Deal with non-performance

What can you do to ensure your manager is actively involved and providing the help you need (e.g. ask them to speak to staff explaining the change, come to meetings, ask them to provide time or resources, etc.) and when?

Write down your thoughts and commit to taking action.


Change Management vs Change Leadership


Force Field Analysis