How to Give Feedback

Written by Peta Main

Feedback is not about criticism or praise. It is about observation, is timely and specific, and describes but doesn’t judge. 

Giving Feedback

The SBI Method is a simple method for giving feedback effectively and refers to Situation, Behaviour and Impact. The steps include:

  1. Ask permission to give feedback - “May I give you feedback?”

  2. Describe the Situation - when and where something occurred (be specific)

  3. Describe the Behaviour that had an impact on you (be specific)

  4. Describe the Impact that the behaviour had on you (particular to you – be specific)

  5. Thank the person

Keep Accurate Documentation

  • Record specific instances

  • Focus on relevant facts (not personality/attitude; use professional non-emotional language)

  • Discuss documentation with employee (opportunity to read, see, sign)

  • Demonstrate (you have followed correct procedures; employee's rights have been respected)

Receiving Feedback

Receiving feedback can be useful in improving our performance. While it can be confronting to realise that we are not in fact 'perfect' (!), taking on board others' insights into our behaviours allows us to constructively work towards any changes we need to make.

  • Ask for specific detail

  • Focus on understanding

  • Express appreciation for the feedback

  • Give yourself time to process

  • Don't try to explain what you did or why

  • Don't minimise or dismiss what you have heard

  • Don’t discount or deflect your positive contributions that you hear (simply say thank you)

  • Don't get angry


Mindful Listening for Constructive Conversations


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