Trust as the Basis for any Relationship

Written by Antonia Wise

Trust is the foundation of any enduring relationship. It is the “glue that bonds great people, processes, and environments, and ensures long-term success. If this critical component is missing, everything else falls apart” - Rita Bailey, CEO, QVF Partners. 

Trust impacts us 24/7, 365 days of the year. It affects the quality of every relationship, every communication, every work project, every business venture, every effort in which we are engaged. It changes the quality of every present moment and affects the outcome of every future moment. Trust is a tangible asset and actions can be taken to increase it and thereby increase the quality of relationships you have with clients and others. It is not a case of you either have it or you don’t.

When you have trust in a relationship things happen faster and more easily with less pain or cost. Trust is the hidden variable in the formula for organisational success. 

What is trust founded on?

Trust = character + competence

Trusting someone is as much about trusting their character as their skills and competence. In his TedX talk James Davis breaks character down further into Benevolence and Integrity. When considering competence, imagine you needed some kind of surgical operation; you may trust someone because they have integrity and good intent or benevolence but if they do not have the training and skills you would not trust them to operate on you. 


Before we can build trust with others and creating enduring relationships we must start with ourselves. We must be credible to ourselves and then to others. Ask yourself: Do I trust myself? Am I someone others can trust?

The 4 Cores of Credibility

Steven Covey suggests that we establish self-trust and credibility by having - 

  • Integrity

  • Good intent

  • Excellent credentials

  • Good track record

One way to visualise the importance of all 4 Cores of Credibility is through the metaphor of a tree. Integrity is essentially below the surface and is the root system out of which everything else grows. Intent becomes somewhat more visible as the trunk emerging from the surface; our motives and agendas may be hidden inside us but our behaviours are visible and give an indication to others of our intent. Capabilities are the branches and represent the capacities that enable us to produce; they can be broken down into Talents, Attitudes, Skills, Knowledge and Style (TASKS) Results are the fruits, the visible, tangible and measurable outcomes that are most easily seen and evaluated by others. 

How to Improve Your Core:

1. Credibility: 

  • Make a keep commitments to yourself

  • Stand for something

  • Be Open

2. Intent:

  • Examine and refine your motives

  • Declare your intent

  • Choose an abundance mindset

3. Capability

  • Run with your strengths (and purpose)

  • Keep yourself relevant with lifelong learning

  • Know where you are going

4. Results

  • Take responsibility for results

  • Expect to win

  • Finish strong

What actions can you take to have greater self-trust and subsequent credibility?


Start With Why


Mindful Listening for Constructive Conversations