Mindful Awareness Exercise

Written by Jonah Cacioppe

The Mindful Awareness Exercise will assist in bringing you into the present moment, clearing the mind and creating the space for reflection and creative thinking. This exercise allows you to be more emotionally aware and gives you greater control of your emotions. It aims to assist you in being more authentic and at ease by facilitating greater connection with your deeper values and intuition through clearing the mind and heart.

In the following exercise you use your senses to be free of any thoughts and feelings about the pastor future. Concentration on each sense is a way of focusing the mind on the present moment and being free of mental chatter.

  • If comfortable for you, close your eyes.

  • First let the mind be free of any concerns or thoughts.

  • Be aware of where you are right now...

  • Feel the weight of the body on the chair.

  • Feel your feet on the floor.

  • Feel the gentle pressure of the clothes on the skin.

  • Feel the play of air on the hands and face.

  • Fully relax the right leg, then the left leg.

  • Then relax the right arm and hand, then fully relax the left arm and hand.

  • Now let the middle part of the body relax.

  • Let the face relax, let the eyes, cheeks and jaw relax.

  • Become aware of taste.

  • Become aware of the smell of the air as you breathe in through your nose.

  • Be aware of colour and form through your eyes whether they are open or closed.

  • Now become aware of listening. Become aware of sounds close by...and sounds far away.

  • Now listen to the farthest sounds possible.

  • Rest in this awareness for a while - just listening.

This is a useful exercise to do during the day. It is an excellent break before activities, between meetings, when you are waiting for someone or on the bus or train going to or from work. If you make this exercise a regular habit you will find your day is much clearer, less stressful and your actions and words more effective.


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