The Third Space

When we get into a situation that is stressful, such as a conflict or disagreement with another person, we are can be quick to react, often in a negative way. A more healthy and helpful way to respond to these situations is to see that we are about to automatically react and to press the pause button, so that we become aware of what we are experiencing and that it is caused by our negative interpretation of the situation or other person.

The Third Space is that moment of transition between one role or task to the next role or task. Every day, we undertake dozens of different roles and tasks. 

Dr Adam Fraser's research showed that what we do in this transitional gap (The Third Space) has a huge impact on our happiness, performance and balance. 

The research also illustrated that all too often we carry the mindset and emotional state from one activity to the next – leading to negative and occasionally disastrous consequences.

When you learn how to use the Third Space, you will consistently be your best for your work, your family, your friends and yourself; and, you will find that the key to balance and happiness was waiting for you all along in the Third Space! 

Reflect – Rest - Reset


  • How do I interpret what just happened to me?

  • What went well?


  • Can I be still and present?

  • Can I turn off and relax?


  • How will I show up?

  • What is my intention?

  • What behaviour do I want to exhibit?

You can also try a mental clearing exercise - read here for a simple technique.


Giving Effective Feedback


Why do we avoid difficult conversations?