Antonia Clissa

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Antonia is passionate about coaching and until recently managed our coaching team. She has held senior roles in the private and public sector, and has developed government legislation on healthcare. Antonia holds a MBA and was awarded the Edith Cowan Women's Fellowship and the Clayton Utz leadership prize.


Antonia's career began as a Social Worker in Perth followed by several years working in the field of child protection and medical social work in the UK. After living in the UK for several years and a sabbatical year in the USA she moved back to Australia where she was employed to set up a not for profit Mental Health counselling service in the area of reproductive and sexual health in Northbridge at the height of the HIV/Aids epidemic. She has a background in senior management, health, and psychotherapy/counselling with a wide range of experience working with diversity including cultural, linguistic and gender issues in the government and not for profit sector.

Antonia holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Western Australia. In 2001 she was awarded the WA Edith Cowan Women's Fellowship to carry out a study/travel tour of the UK and USA and in 2004 was awarded the Clayton Utz prize in leadership. Antonia has developed and implemented government policy and legislation and has provided specialist policy advice to Ministers on reproductive health matters. 

Antonia completed Coaching Training with Coach U one of the world leaders. 

My Why

I love working with people and assisting them to uncover their Why! Making time to have confidential conversations with people about what really matters to them in their personal and professional lives is an honour. I believe that one of our biggest human desires is to be to really heard and understood by at least one person in our lives. I feel privileged when I can be that person.

How I work

I like to get to know what is important to the people I work with; what they value and how to support themselves to become inner-directed.  I adopt a strengths based approach in my work with clients. My goal is to coach clients from self-limiting beliefs towards becoming more self-fulfilled people. My strength is in building relationships quickly and putting people at ease. 

”Thank you Antonia Clissa, Executive Coach at Integral for working with me since August 2018 as part of my professional development sponsored by Perth Airport. I am confident I have improved my skills as a leader, become more self-aware and successfully navigated a range of workplace challenges with increased confidence and superior outcomes. I am more focused, more energised, more resilient, know how to 'respond' rather than 'react' and ... I 'breathe out' more often. You have helped teach me quite a lot about me. Thank you.

What I do

I specialise in mediation of workplace conflict as well as leadership and performance coaching with aspiring and experienced leaders. I maintain that valuing people is at the core of a thriving and dynamic organisation and my strength is in working creatively with employers to enhance workplace performance.

What I love

I love to read, listen to podcasts, watch movies and am always curious about us as humans and why we do what we do.  I love our WA beaches and walk or swim whenever I can; camping in our WA bush during winter when you can have campfires. Hanging out with family and having lots of quiet time is also what I love. Daily meditation and mindfulness is what sustains me.


Verity Leach


Jasmin Ward