Rob Gaylard

Coach | Facilitator

I work together with clients using well researched and proven coaching techniques, finding out what’s really important to them, investigating strengths, values and future visioning, and challenging automatic negative beliefs and unhelpful cognitions and assumptions!


I am an executive coach with a masters in coaching psychology and ICF and EMCC coaching qualifications.  I also spent around 20 years working with the United Nations in Somalia, Kenya, the Sudan, Afghanstan, Israel and Palestine, and Indonesia.

I focus on working with emerging and senior leaders in private and public sectors to help take them to the next level of peak performance- physical, emotional, spiritual and mental good practices.  I am also an experienced mentor, trainer and workshop facilitator. 

My Why

I am very passionate about helping people to flourish personally and professionally! I firmly believe we all have the answers to our deepest questions; as your coach and thought partner, I will work with you to unlock your greatest potentially in the service of your continued growth and wellbeing. 

How I Work

I work with emerging leaders in the public and private sector who are facing increasing demands on their time, energy and mental and physical capacities. They find they are often being promoted based on their technical capacity, overall work experience and strong career networks, with little or no training in what it means to be a good leader and manager. As a result, many of them struggle with issues of confidence, leadership presence and fulfilling their career potential. 

These are all issues I faced in my previous 20-year career with the United Nations, which saw me serve in leadership roles in Kenya, Somalia, the Sudan, Afghanistan, Israel/ Palestine, Indonesia, Washington DC and New York. 

I typically work with leaders for 8-9 months, with around 10-12 one hour one-to-one sessions that help  shine the light on the challenges they are facing; what is important to them, what is challenging, what assumptions they are making, and any negative thinking that might be holding them back.  

Together we co-create solutions, using well researched and proven techniques, investigating strengths, values and future visioning. We focus on developing the balanced, flourishing life they so deserve! 

At the end of our time together, the people I work with find:
•    Increasing self-confidence at work, and an expanded horizon on what is possible for in their career. The type of jobs and roles they didn’t think were possible have now come into view! 
•    Enhanced leadership and managerial presence, improved communication skills including conflict mediation skills.
•    A well-developed sense of their personal and professional strengths and values.
•    A clear vision for where they want to go to lead a flourishing life!  
•    They are working at peak performance in a sustainable way! 

What I Do

I work with emerging leaders to identify pain points and or challenges that are holding them back from taking the next career step. This could include: Bulding more confidence at work and sharpening leadership presence; communicating more effectively; inspiring and motivating teams; dealing with conflict; making more effective decisions; prioritizing time better and developing your leadership and managerial 'brand'. 

We will work together using well researched and proven coaching techniques, finding out what’s really important to you, investigate strengths, values and future visioning, and challenge automatic negative beliefs and unhelpful cognitions and assumptions!

What I Love

I love seeing leaders expand their perpectives, meaning making and challenge assumptions and automatic negative thinking! 


Dr. X. Carmen Qadir


Belinda Coghlan