Belinda Coghlan

Coach | Facilitator

Belinda is a highly skilled Organisational Development, People and Culture Practitioner, Consultant, Coach and Facilitator. She applies a systems approach to solving people pain points in organisations and has a special interest in working with organisational culture and leadership accountability to manage workplace psychosocial hazards and risks.


I've been involved in wide-ranging clients over the last twenty-five years focusing on leadership development, executive coaching, cultural values, organisational transformations, psychological safety and leadership accountability.  I focus on lifting the performance of individuals, teams and organisations, and often use diagnostic instruments to support meaningful dialogue with clients. I've embedded 360-degree tools in coaching sessions with more than one hundred individuals.

As an accomplished facilitator (Technology of Participation trained), I work with clients to co-design workshop process and gain organisational wide buy in to uplift new skills, insight and behavioural competencies, necessary to enhance their performance.  I also facilitate the collective wisdom of groups to produce operational and strategic plans to get commitment to action.

My Why

To make a difference in people's lives and add value to my clients.

How I Work

I work closely with Clients to really understand their painpoints and develop solutions that solve these problems where possible across the system.  I am a life long learner and bring contemporary, fresh and evidence based thinking to the table.

You could say I am a troubleshooter with an awareness of how organisational timing, capability and capacity can impact solving problems.  I love a challenge!

What I Do

  • Organisational Development

  • Human Resource Management

  • Group Facilitation

  • Executive and Organisational Coaching

What I Love

I love those ah ha moments and lift in energy levels when participants discover something about themselves and feel empowered to make changes.  I love creating a safe space for people to open up, share, practice and learn new ways of thinking and conversing to help make worklife better.


Rob Gaylard


Yu Dan Shi